Tag Archives: DRT

February 3 / General

“O Molde” interview

DRT promotes management of mould manufacturing with the incorporation of artificial intelligence

Valdemar Duarte, CEO of DRT Group, in an article for the magazine O Moldediscusses on how DRT boosted the management of mould making with the incorporation of artificial intelligence, more specifically with the help of SBI, a software that allows to increase effectiveness and efficiency in managers decision making. 

It is an innovative tool that manages the employees tasks and the equipment with which they are working in real time and also allows the process management since quotation stage until the delivery of the finished product. 

The SBI – System Business Intelligence was developed in the DRT Group and is available to the market, now also in mobile application. 

DRT Advance, one of the Group companies, develops and sells SBI, presenting a continuous development and improvement. 

“An intuitive and secure software, whose functionality and results are successfully proven” – Valdemar Duarte for the magazine. 

In addition to the advantages within the organisation, this software allows customers, through the mobile application, to follow the evolution in real time of the manufacture process of their moulds, through reports and images of the production progress, thus participating more closely and more actively throughout the process. 

It allows employees to monitor all production in the company, having a more active participation in meeting deadlines. 

“The SBI system for moulds production was developed in an R&D project within the scope of Portugal 2020, in cooperation with IPL, being co-financed by Compete 2020.” 

It is crucial to understand that this management software does not only apply to the moulds industry, but it is also suitable for any other industrial or service sectors. 

Complete news here.

November 30 / General

X Congress of Moulds Industry 2019

X Congress of Moulds Industry – Moulds e plastics Magazine 2020

The Congress of Moulds Industry which took place between the 22nd and 23rd of November 2019, was about the present and future of a sector which is united and determined to face the main challenges. 

“The capacity for collaboration, cooperation and the creation of a critical mass will be the structuring elements, both to differentiate ourselves and to place us one step ahead of our international competitors”. These words from the President of Cefamol, João Faustino, were one of the conclusions at the end of the ceremony, together with the statement that there are new challenges that require new solutions, such as rapid technological development and the assimilation of new processes, which will have a huge weight in business investment. 

The focus on integrating processes and technologies to achieve competitiveness is a key factor in an organization’s strategy. 

Valdemar Duarte, CEO of DRT Group, took part on the “Digitalization Challenges” panel. This panel reflected on the current technological development in which companies are positioned and on the prospects for the future in this field. 

Valdemar Duarte also presented the DRT case, in which technology has been adopted according to real needs and how, in this way, the company has managed to evolve and the work that DRT has been doing on new systems improves the production process and gives lifetime to company employees, associating Artificial Intelligence to the machine algorithms. 

In the Molde 124 magazine, it is possible to find the opinions and the various topics addressed by entrepreneurs in the mold industry. The various speakers defended that “it is imperative to continue to invest in the integration of processes, in new technologies, in strengthening knowledge and, at the same time, in consolidating the international image, the positioning of the sector’s excellence and notoriety”.

October 24 / General

Open Shop Floor at DRT

In the past october, 16  took place in the DRT installations the Open Shop Floor, an event powered by COTEC Portugal and IAPMEI that integrate the government initiative “Industry 4.0”. These sessions aim to address the way companies adopt the different concepts of this norm and promote the sharing of experiences among the various entities present.

This event was attended by entities from north to south of Portugal linked to different sectors, from textiles, molds, higher education institutions, research and technological development companies, business associations, among others.

With the constant advance and innovation in new technologies, themes such as artificial intelligence are a reason for success for companies that bet on this dynamic. DRT believes that the key to success lies in the constant search for new processes that promote efficiency and effectiveness in the management and production of the company. It was with this in mind that DRT Rapid developed its latest advanced management software, SBI – System for Business Intelligence.

To the presents was introduced the way that these system is integrated in the management and production process inside DRT and how it benefits in all production phases.

In this way we thank COTEC Portugal, IAPMEI and all those who were present in this sharing experiences and knowledge.


October 7 / General

In the ranking for the best in its sector

The next Open Shop Floor take place at October 16 at DRT Rapid.
Registration until October 14th through the form.
The audience of the event is limited and registrations are considered in order of arrival.

Sign up on: https://bit.ly/2OjBYAO


July 19 / General

DRT at the 5th edition of “Leiria-In”

On the past July 13th 2018, DRT welcomed two groups of students regarding the 5th edition of “Academia da Indústria, Leiria-In”.
The visit at DRT was hosted by the project manager Eduardo Ribeiro, which went through a complete process, starting at the communication with the customer, design, engineering, metrology, finishing in the production.
Among with the remaining 20 companies visited, DRT fostered a direct contact between high school students, industry and technology.
June 5 / General

Sónia Calado was awarded with the silver medal by the Municipality of Leiria

As in previous years, on May 22, Leira’s Day, the Municipality recognized 12 prominent personalities for its contribution to the development of the region. 

It was with great pride and sense of sharing that Sónia Calado, administrator of DRT Group, received the Silver Medal for its ‘entrepreneurial character and exemplary carrer path’ that has strongly contributed to develop the molds industry and the county of Leiria. In turn, Sónia Calado, highlights the ‘partner, friend and husband Valdemar Duarte mentor and promoter of all the projects that we have achieved, always in good partnership’. 

With an open smile, they share this award with all the employees who are dedicated to the common mission of making the DRT Group a benchmark for innovation and quality, along with one of the best Portuguese companies to work for.

February 6 / General

Rotary Club visits DRT

It was with great satisfaction that DRT and its General Managers, Valdemar Duarte and Sónia Calado, received the Portuguese Rotary Club on January 31st.

October 24 / General

DRT in the top 100

DRT was awarded by EXAME Magazine as one of the 100 best companies to work for in Portugal.
Thank you to all our employees!

June 2 / General


DRT Moulds attended Moulding Expo Exhibition which took place in Stuttgart from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June 2017.

April 10 / Uncategorized

Magazine “Exame PME Líder”

DRT Moldes as one of the outstanding companies of the industrial sector in the Magazine “Exame PME Líder”.

See publication